Dates Seed Powder is made from seeds of Original Dates. Keeping the quality in mind, Saanjh uses the utmost hygienic facilities and state-of-the-art facilities to prepare Dates Seed Powder. Only the seeds of the original dates are used in the preparation of Saanjh Dates Seed Powder. We dry the seeds completely and crush them into fine powder. Dates seed powder can be used for multiple purposes. Dates seeds, like dates fruits, have numerous benefits and can be used to treat and release many diseases,.
Dates seeds powder is made from roasted kernels.
This amazing powder contains compounds that are chemically composed of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, zinc, cadmium, calcium, and potassium. Saturated fatty acids include stearic and palmitic acids, and unsaturated fatty acids.
Sarika Agrawal (The Founder of the company) with a spectacular vision for her business, set up a business in the food industry.